Discover all the tools available to accompany you during your Pink Tour and help you reach your goals!


New this year: the Pink Tour Meetups Calendar. This tool will motivate you with challenges, tips, contests and health/wellness meetings hosted by local public figures.


Convert your favourite physical activities into kilometres with the equivalency chart.

Whether you walk, run, dance, bike or do any other sport, these catchy songs will give you the energy you need to take part in the 2021 Pink Tour!


Make your fundraiser a success in 4 easy steps

  1. Make your fundraiser your own: on your participant page, personalize your profile picture. Explain your connection to the breast cancer cause and why you’re participating in the Pink Tour
  2. Recruit donors: make a list of your contacts. It can include family members, friends and coworkers, but also your doctor, neighbours and other acquaintances. By email, phone or social media, invite them to support you by making an online donation. The number of donations you receive will be closely linked to the amount of people you contact.
  3. Post your success stories on social media: share the good news about your Pink Tour! Why not post the number of kilometres you have accumulated and the donations you have received?
  4. Say thank you: take the time to thank your donors! You could even send them some pictures of your Pink Tour! Don’t forget that you can email your donors directly from your Participant Centre.