The Pink Tour
Do we need to be part of a business to participate?
The Pink Tour is open to everyone but this year, the Foundation will offer a personalized assistance to corporate teams.
Can I participate in the Pink Tour even if the start date of the event has already passed?
Yes. You can register for the Pink Tour at any time during the event, which runs May 16 to October 31, 2022. However, we recommend allotting yourself at least one month to complete your challenge and collect funds.
How much is the registration fee?
The registration fee is $25 per participant, eligible for a tax receipt.
I am registered for the Pink Tour. How can I share my progress?
You can use the “Share” button under your participant profile to share on Facebook. Don’t hesitate to post about your experience and add photos to your message so that your supporters can follow your progress in achieving your minute accumulation goals. Also post on your other social media platforms with the #PinkTour hashtag and mention the Foundation.
Why share my progress on social networks?
When you post on social media, you raise awareness about the cause among your friends and acquaintances. This way, they’ll be more inclined to encourage you and donate to your fundraising.
How many minutes of activity do I need to accomplish?
You set your own goal. For example, if you think you can do 100 minutes a week, your goal could be 400 minutes in a month. Your goal depends on your level of comfort with physical activity and your lifestyle. The goal is to move at your own pace and in your own way!
What am I committing to by registering?
When you register, you commit to being physically active and collecting donations.
When I e-mail people directly from the Participant Centre, some of them don’t get the e-mail. Why?
Ask your contacts to check their spam folder. Your e-mails might be ending up there. It’s also possible that the automatic e-mails you’ve signed up for could end up in your spam folder.
What happens once I’m registered?
Once you’re registered, you will need to join an existing corporate team, which your team captain will have created. Then you can personalize your participant page and start collecting donations and accumulating minutes at the time of your choosing.
Can I register several members of my team with my e-mail address?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to use the same e-mail address more than once to register.
Is the minutes goal I entered when I registered my personal target or the team’s target?
When you register, the minutes target you enter is your personal target. This will automatically be added to the targets of the rest of your team.
Is the fundraising goal I entered when I registered my personal target or the team’s target?
When you register, the fundraising target you enter is your personal target. This will automatically be added to the targets of the rest of your team.
Collecting donations
Where does the money raised go?
Donations will be used to fund free support services for people affected by breast cancer and their loved ones all over Quebec.
Are donors entitled to tax receipts?
All donations over $25 are eligible for a tax receipt.
I have never collected donations; where do I start?
- Set ambitious fundraising and minute targets.
- Make sure your participant page is personalized. For example, add pictures of yourself doing a sport or activity and a short text explaining why you are committed to the cause.
- Communicate your commitment to the cause within your network. For example, post on Facebook with a link to your participant page, explaining why this commitment is a challenge for you and why you care about the cause.
- Contact people you know via direct message or e-mail.
- Use the promotional material we provided to feature the Pink Tour on your various social media profiles, such as by adding the banner to your email signature and to your LinkedIn profile cover picture.
- For more ideas for fundraising activities, check out the guide created by the Foundation here.